Ignotus the Mage: Egrets take off
Ignotus the Mage: Turtles sunning
Ignotus the Mage: volo_120715_0018
Ignotus the Mage: Ripe seed heads, prairie
Ignotus the Mage: Dry marsh
Ignotus the Mage: Three sandhill cranes
Ignotus the Mage: Sandhill cranes and great blue herons
Ignotus the Mage: Drought-stricken bog
Ignotus the Mage: Arrowhead flowering
Ignotus the Mage: Purple Loosestrife
Ignotus the Mage: View of the Sedge Meadow
Ignotus the Mage: Into the Tamarack and Peat Bog
Ignotus the Mage: Leaves and Tamarack Bark
Ignotus the Mage: Water Lily Leaf
Ignotus the Mage: Water Lily
Ignotus the Mage: Is there room for one more?
Ignotus the Mage: Sandpiper
Ignotus the Mage: Prairie Grass
Ignotus the Mage: Prairie Flowers
Ignotus the Mage: Blue Vervain
Ignotus the Mage: Green Heron
Ignotus the Mage: Swans and Cygnets
Ignotus the Mage: Swan Feathers
Ignotus the Mage: Green Heron
Ignotus the Mage: Green Heron