mr.KIO: Underneath it all, you longed to be annihilated by love...
mr.KIO: Badness is only spoiled goodness
mr.KIO: A Preface to Paradise Lost
mr.KIO: Non-Fiction
mr.KIO: ...reality’s always dull, you know...
mr.KIO: I’ve only one hobby, and that is my wife.
mr.KIO: Hay Fever
mr.KIO: Those whom we love are often the most alien to us
mr.KIO: O, how full of Bokeh this working week wiil be
mr.KIO: If you know what you want you are more apt to recognize it when you see it.
mr.KIO: First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price?
mr.KIO: The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
mr.KIO: Everyone should have legends. It allows us to dream.
mr.KIO: These Lollies Are About to Go Pop
mr.KIO: Till Death Do Us Appart
mr.KIO: The Fast and The Furious
mr.KIO: Party my ass, this ain't no nightclub!
mr.KIO: "Prenez le temps comme il vient, le vent comme il souffle, la femme comme elle est. "
mr.KIO: Help you I can, yes.
mr.KIO: From my Sunny Loompaland.
mr.KIO: Have you seen the Sun
mr.KIO: When you crop the photo, You Lose Data.
mr.KIO: This place is Huge
mr.KIO: AnOthEr oNe BiTeS thE dUst
mr.KIO: SpOiLeR aLeRt
mr.KIO: ItS gOt tO huRt
mr.KIO: On the roof
mr.KIO: Don`t leave
mr.KIO: Halloween