International Gorilla Conservation Programme: The visitors to the Sabyinyo Group on November 17, 2010- one muzungu working for IGCP and students, teachers, and the headmaster from Butete Secondary School.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: Briefing at park headquarters. "Will the gorillas attack us?" one student asks.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: At the carpark, we rent walking sticks.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: To get to the park boundary, we walked through potato fields.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: We are briefed by Placide as we enter the park.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: The bamboo of Volcanoes National Park.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: The rangers communicate and determine the exact location of the Sabyinyo group before we assend.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: Last stop before the gorillas. Time to leave behind our backbacks and walking sticks. All are quite excited.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: Guhonda cuts right in front of our group.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: Huddled together amongst the bamboo we watch the mountain gorillas move and eat.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: Walking down out of the park after our visit.
International Gorilla Conservation Programme: Kampanga_school_Ugenda_mountain_gorillas