Igal Koshevoy: The job board was totally covered, the blank sections with tape are where some additional signs were before they were pulled off during cleanup
Igal Koshevoy: Reid Beels watches a 20-sided die spinning to determine the winner of a "Land of Lisp" book
Igal Koshevoy: Tantek Çelik invites attendees to join him and others at Indie Web Camp
Igal Koshevoy: Christie Koehler, super conference co-chair, thanks the attendees and asks them to help with cleanup
Igal Koshevoy: Playing with lampshades is awesome!!1!
Igal Koshevoy: Playing with lampshades is awesome!!1!
Igal Koshevoy: Playing with lampshades is awesome!!1!
Igal Koshevoy: Addie Beseda offers suggestions for improving the conference
Igal Koshevoy: Attendees in the Hacker Lounge at the closing ceremonies
Igal Koshevoy: Sarah Sharp listens to the closing ceremonies
Igal Koshevoy: Paula Holm Jensen listens to the closing ceremonies
Igal Koshevoy: Reid Beels and Audrey Eschright, conference organizers, and others listen in to the closing ceremonies
Igal Koshevoy: Shepherd Griffin, the awesome Volunteer Coordinator , thanks the volunteers
Igal Koshevoy: Shepherd Griffin, the awesome Volunteer Coordinator , thanks the volunteers, while Christie Koehler, super Conference Co-chair seems surprised at his antics
Igal Koshevoy: Attendees clap at the closing ceremonies
Igal Koshevoy: Attendees clap in the Hacker Lounge at the closing ceremonies
Igal Koshevoy: Jamey and Sarah Sharp play a mind control game, Sarah seems to be winning, but Jamey doesn't seem too upset
Igal Koshevoy: Lance Albertson, well-deserved winner of the "Truly Outstanding Open Source Citizen" award! Yay, Lance!
Igal Koshevoy: Unconference session board
Igal Koshevoy: Josh Heumann submits a session
Igal Koshevoy: Pieter van de Bruggen puts in a sesion on "Moar open sound hardware! - Jared Boone, and Status boards (Tranquil)"
Igal Koshevoy: Noirin Plunkett puts in a session
Igal Koshevoy: Corbin Simpson submits a talk on "Monads"
Igal Koshevoy: Kevin Turner submits a session on "Where are your keys style techniques for introduction to programming"
Igal Koshevoy: John Labovitz, Hacker Lounge coordinator, submits a session seeking feedback on the glorious Lounge
Igal Koshevoy: M. Edward Borasky submits a session on "Computational Journalism / Data Science Tools"
Igal Koshevoy: Attendees write up unconference ideas on colorful sticky notes
Igal Koshevoy: Audrey Eschright explains how the unconference works
Igal Koshevoy: Christie Koehler welcomes attendees to the unconference day
Igal Koshevoy: Whiteboard at the Hacker Lounge