Ifurita Oni:
For the Horde!
Ifurita Oni:
Arrogence abounds
Ifurita Oni:
Marvel girl and Green Arrow
Ifurita Oni:
Caeru returns
Ifurita Oni:
are there such things as Wraethu valkyrie?
Ifurita Oni:
Close up Alice
Ifurita Oni:
As as would-be Roshiel
Ifurita Oni:
Alice ascendent!
Ifurita Oni:
A man, a plan, and a damn cool coat
Ifurita Oni:
Sam and I
Ifurita Oni:
Myself posing for Daily News
Ifurita Oni:
Alice posing for the Daily News
Ifurita Oni:
Let the Wookie win..seriously....
Ifurita Oni:
Sin is in
Ifurita Oni:
Catherine Asano
Ifurita Oni:
Teen Titans Go!
Ifurita Oni:
See the galaxy, meet new races, and crush them into submission!
Ifurita Oni:
Advent Children
Ifurita Oni:
It's the Latinum. All the chicks dig the latinum!
Ifurita Oni:
Mad Eye Moody back in the day
Ifurita Oni:
That's MR bloodthirty, morally challenged mercenary to you!
Ifurita Oni:
Ifurita Oni:
Anyone going to pay the piper....anyone? C'mon ppl!
Ifurita Oni:
Dresden Files author
Ifurita Oni:
Ph33r our l337 g07h m49n1f1c3nc3
Ifurita Oni:
Nothing melancholy about Haruhi
Ifurita Oni:
Legends in their own time: Rowana and Larry Elmore
Ifurita Oni:
The legendary Ken Kelly
Ifurita Oni:
Back in black
Ifurita Oni:
Bad bad girls