IFSA-Butler: Yelena and Laura by tree on campus 2
IFSA-Butler: Yelena and Laura by tree on campus
IFSA-Butler: Yelena and Laura outside HU Student Union 3
IFSA-Butler: Yelena, Mariette and Laura outside HU Student Union 2
IFSA-Butler: Yelena, Mariette and Laura outside HU Student Union
IFSA-Butler: On the Walls of Jerusalem 2
IFSA-Butler: On the Walls of Jerusalem
IFSA-Butler: On The Walls of Jerusalem
IFSA-Butler: Looking out from the Walls
IFSA-Butler: Zion Gate
IFSA-Butler: Learning about the Armenian Genocide 2
IFSA-Butler: Learning about the Armenian Genocide
IFSA-Butler: Inside Christchurch
IFSA-Butler: Breakfast 2
IFSA-Butler: Breakfast
IFSA-Butler: Laura writing her name in Hebrew
IFSA-Butler: Jerusalem flag
IFSA-Butler: A Bar Mitzvah 2
IFSA-Butler: A Bar Mitzvah
IFSA-Butler: Drummer for Bar Mitzvah taping his hands
IFSA-Butler: One of the church's supposedly the location of the Last Supper
IFSA-Butler: Near King David's tomb 2
IFSA-Butler: Near King David's tomb
IFSA-Butler: King David's Tomb
IFSA-Butler: Bar Mitzvah procession to the Wall
IFSA-Butler: Temple Mount
IFSA-Butler: Laura and Mariette on Temple Mount
IFSA-Butler: Mariette, Yelena and Laura on Temple Mount 2
IFSA-Butler: Dome of the Rock through an Arch
IFSA-Butler: Dome of the Rock