IFSA-Butler: Orientation lecture (Dr. Mohamed talking with students.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Meeting Dr. Hawass (Group Photo on steps of Supreme Council of Antiquities.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Up in the Dunes (Up into the Dunes 2.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Group Shot (Group photo best one.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Student and camel (Camel.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: At the Citadel (Students at Citadel.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Listing to guide (Students listening.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Learning in the mosque (Students listening in Mosque.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Magnificent view (Students taking photos over the city.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: At the perfume factory
IFSA-Butler: At Mariette’s tomb (Group shot at Mariette's tomb.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Dining, Egyptian style (Group photo at restaurant.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Cairo subway orientation (Waiting on train.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: At the famous mosque (Crossing courtyard of Al Azhar Mosque.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: At the Giza Pyramids (Group shot at Giza.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Camel ride (Camels.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: At Sakkara (Students at Sakkara.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Learning about carpet weaving (Students watching a weaver.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Amazing Luxor (Luxor DSC04494.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Boat cruise (Luxor DSC04533.jpg)
IFSA-Butler: Fort Qaitbey (Students at the fort.jpg)