IFPRI: Prime Minister H.E. Hailemariam Dessalegn at the inaugural session
IFPRI: Ertharin Cousin, Executive Director, United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)
IFPRI: Erastus Mwencha, Deputy Chairperson, African Union Commission, Ethiopia
IFPRI: Panelists at the inaugural panel "Investing in Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security"
IFPRI: Per Pinstrup-Andersen and Newai Gebre-ab talking during the inaugural panel
IFPRI: Lystra Antoine, Global Director, Sustainable Agriculture Development, DuPont Pioneer, USA
IFPRI: Raffaello Cervigni and Stephen Danyo at conference side event "Enhancing Resilience in African Drylands: Toward a Shared Development Agenda"
IFPRI: Charlotte Dufour, FAO
IFPRI: Lance Robinson, ILRI
IFPRI: Participants conversing
IFPRI: Tim Waites, Greg Collins, and Tim Frankenberger at the side event "Sharing Donor Best Practices to Institutionalize Resilience"
IFPRI: Participants listening to inaugural remarks
IFPRI: Maria Helena Semedo, Deputy Director-General, Natural Resources, FAO
IFPRI: Rajul Pandya-Lorch and Naoko Ishii at the inaugural session
IFPRI: Kanayo Nwanze, President, IFAD
IFPRI: Ertharin Cousin and Shenggen Fan at the press conference
IFPRI: Ann Tutwiler, Director General, Bioversity International
IFPRI: Jeff Waage, University of London
IFPRI: Participant listening intently during side event