i mei: music underground
i mei: G Station, Nassau Ave, Greenpoint
i mei: everybody's got something to say
i mei: McCarren Park, Brooklyn
i mei: McGolrick Park, Nov 2007
i mei: I heart sweatshop labor ;)
i mei: Out with the old...
i mei: Fighting Gentrification, one permanent marker at a time
i mei: Trojanowski Wine Shop & Liquors reminds us of history's lessons...
i mei: Next to my favourite pizza place...
i mei: Brooklyn Industries, Bedford Ave, Greenpoint
i mei: And while we're at it, can we FIX the damn decaying roof at Smith-9th st please!?
i mei: A sad little 4-car G train...(enlarging the photo only makes it self-conscious)
i mei: There's something you don't see everyday...2 G trains!!
i mei: In case you didn't want to see its hiney, here's its smiling face!! :)
i mei: Service Changes: Please be advised, we intend to screw you royally
i mei: My beloved, perhaps doomed G train, Smith/9th St
i mei: Lorimer/Metropolitan Ave Station
i mei: G Platform, Metropolitan Ave
i mei: No Parking in Greenpoint