jeffrey.x: 55g African Cichlid Tank
jeffrey.x: Jacobfreibergi Peacock Cichlid - "Jake"
jeffrey.x: Firefish ("Blaze") and Orange Blotched Peacock ("Tang") Cichlids
jeffrey.x: Zebra Obliquidens Cichlid - "Equid"
jeffrey.x: Firefish ("Blaze") and Bumblebee ("Sting") Cichlids
jeffrey.x: Electric Blue Ahli ("Muhammad") and Jacobfreibergi Peacock ("Jake") Cichlids
jeffrey.x: Albino Zebra ("Whitey") and Bumblebee ("Sting") Cichlid
jeffrey.x: Firefish Cichlid - "Blaze"
jeffrey.x: Zebra Obliquidens Cichlid - "Equid"
jeffrey.x: Electric Blue Ahli Cichlid - "Muhammad"
jeffrey.x: African Cichlids
jeffrey.x: Frontosa Kigoma - "Frig"
jeffrey.x: African CIchlids
jeffrey.x: Blurs of Color
jeffrey.x: Lake Malawi Tank