Forever Wiser:
rolling along in the Mouffetard
Forever Wiser:
Eglise de la Ste. Trinité
Forever Wiser:
Watching the Wheel go round and round
Forever Wiser:
Clock tower in Roussillon
Forever Wiser:
Parasols awaiting a splash
Forever Wiser:
dripping coneflower
Forever Wiser:
Virgin in wood, close
Forever Wiser:
very orange
Forever Wiser:
Tati's public clock
Forever Wiser:
Pay phone for those with francs
Forever Wiser:
Sunday morning market
Forever Wiser:
Forever Wiser:
Forever Wiser:
homegrown harvest
Forever Wiser:
Black Notes
Forever Wiser:
art at work
Forever Wiser:
V&A tiled stairway
Forever Wiser:
Forever Wiser:
roasted veggies
Forever Wiser:
great coat
Forever Wiser:
exploring the middle ages
Forever Wiser:
The top of the Gare de L'Est
Forever Wiser:
Reflection of the Cathedral
Forever Wiser:
Something about little boys and flame
Forever Wiser:
Forever Wiser:
swanky address
Forever Wiser:
Montsec Military Monument
Forever Wiser:
Southwark's Cathedral Cat