Forever Wiser: Chihuly gourds
Forever Wiser: Reekie rearview
Forever Wiser: Reekie's exception
Forever Wiser: Black Notes
Forever Wiser: Christian 2 of Denmark
Forever Wiser: Prophet, Cluny
Forever Wiser: Virgin in wood, close
Forever Wiser: barely blue by you
Forever Wiser: grapes on the Promenade Plantée
Forever Wiser: behind St. Germaine de Prés at night
Forever Wiser: Bounty (booon T)
Forever Wiser: 4 old dames
Forever Wiser: Flamantes
Forever Wiser: butterfly at the Menagerie
Forever Wiser: Claudel's aging woman
Forever Wiser: texture, shadow, form
Forever Wiser: The face at Place de la Madelaine
Forever Wiser: Joan of Arc statue at Eglise Jeanne d'Arc
Forever Wiser: Ascending the stairs in the Tower
Forever Wiser: Joan of Arc, statue in Cathedrale, Rouen
Forever Wiser: who's out there?
Forever Wiser: Clean laundry
Forever Wiser: Snail after the rain
Forever Wiser: Snail after the rain
Forever Wiser: Leaving Lyon
Forever Wiser: wrinkles with wisdom
Forever Wiser: falling water
Forever Wiser: Cathedrale St. Pierre, Lisieux, France