Guido ----: Done.
Guido ----: Forest.
Guido ----: '03 - '06
Guido ----: Zondag
Guido ----: Old memories
Guido ----: Sunny June in April.
Guido ----: 2003.
Guido ----: Dutch in a row. (and ducks in a line)
Guido ----: BoomBoomBoomerang.
Guido ----: Feeling dizzy
Guido ----: Home. Back to 4811, city centre Breda- Birka's look.
Guido ----: Another Sunday
Guido ----: Somewhere over there.
Guido ----: Fridaymorning 8.45h. The world smiles due to a cup of coffee..yeah, right.
Guido ----: Stevie Ann
Guido ----: Amy Macdonald
Guido ----: Almost Carnaval
Guido ----: Stil met z'n tweetjes.
Guido ----: Dreamer. - Artis
Guido ----: Giechelen.
Guido ----: Waiting for the spring like last year
Guido ----: Giving the sexy look.
Guido ----: De StrandStand
Guido ----: Breda Jazz vs. Pisa
Guido ----: Upper right corner shell
Guido ----: Where's the ball?!
Guido ----: Warm near each other, like years ago.
Guido ----: Always on the road