AnaValle: vineyards of Douro, Portugal - vinhas do Douro
AnaValle: Mønsted kalkgruber, Denmark- limestone caves of Mønsted- minas de calcário de Mønsted, Dinamarca
Melissen-Ghost: 2017-03-31-0032
Melissen-Ghost: DSCF1264
Melissen-Ghost: 2017-03-30-0014-4
Melissen-Ghost: DSC09717-2
f0rm_and_v0id: Thunder79
f0rm_and_v0id: What Else
f0rm_and_v0id: Crocevia Invernali
f0rm_and_v0id: The Ship
f0rm_and_v0id: Foresta Di Seta
f0rm_and_v0id: Sangue
f0rm_and_v0id: Disgelo
f0rm_and_v0id: Vacuum
GillK2012: Here
GillK2012: Blackthorn blossoms
GillK2012: Spring impressions II
GillK2012: Spring impressions III
GillK2012: In the shadows
GillK2012: Daydreaming
MontanaRoots (aka Craig): One with the mountain...
MontanaRoots (aka Craig): Emergency Exit