IEEE Client Services: Another SRO crowd
IEEE Client Services: Dr Rahman after Delhi workship
IEEE Client Services: Rachel, Dhanu, Dr. Rahman and Nancy
IEEE Client Services: Magnificent settings
IEEE Client Services: Rachel and Nancy
IEEE Client Services: Registration
IEEE Client Services: Getting ready for Delhi Author Workshop
IEEE Client Services: The line grows
IEEE Client Services: The crowd assembles
IEEE Client Services: Good support from colleagues
IEEE Client Services: Beautiful stage
IEEE Client Services: Dr. Rahman and Nancy admire lovely bowl
IEEE Client Services: Thanking volunteers
IEEE Client Services: Able volunteers with Rachel
IEEE Client Services: Awaiting the event
IEEE Client Services: Beautiful IEEE welcome in flowers
IEEE Client Services: Lamp-lighting such a special ceremony
IEEE Client Services: Dr. Rahman, Rachel and Nancy
IEEE Client Services: Rapt audience.
IEEE Client Services: Welcoming garlands at the IIT Delhi
IEEE Client Services: No tea break for Dr. Rahman!
IEEE Client Services: Shared experiences get a laugh
IEEE Client Services: Local technical college made the trek to IIT
IEEE Client Services: Great questiaudienceons from
IEEE Client Services: Even on the balcony!