IEEE Client Services: 科技展览
IEEE Client Services: Promotional poster for week's activities
IEEE Client Services: Promo Poster for Secret!
IEEE Client Services: 密室逃生--全家福
IEEE Client Services: 开幕式与闵应骅先生合影
IEEE Client Services: 201311-waiting line!
IEEE Client Services: 201311-listen to clue
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Looking for clue
IEEE Client Services: 201311-looking for clue at video room
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Looking for clue from lib exhibit
IEEE Client Services: 201311-participants waiting to get into secrect room to escape
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Peking U lib event registration desk
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Peking U lib event start
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Peking U Lib exhibit
IEEE Client Services: 201311-SB advisor& other EE faculty playing game
IEEE Client Services: 201311-solve the puzzle
IEEE Client Services: 201311-waiting line-3!
IEEE Client Services: 201311-waiting line-4!
IEEE Client Services: 201311-waiting line!-2
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Clue at book shelf
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Decode it to get clue-2
IEEE Client Services: 201311-clue in IEEE.TV
IEEE Client Services: 201311-Clue on the wall
IEEE Client Services: First Place!