IEEE Client Services: Students setting up the session
IEEE Client Services: Dr. T. Srinivas, Branch Faculty Advisor addressing the session
IEEE Client Services: Mr. Sridhar, Student Chair addressing the session
IEEE Client Services: Dr. Venkadesan, the Librarian suggesting innovative ideas for the branch
IEEE Client Services: Sridhar on future activities of the branch
IEEE Client Services: Students in festive mood!
IEEE Client Services: Nivesh thrilled to be invited to UPP Leadership summit in Oct 2010
IEEE Client Services: Nivesh, Sridhar, Dhanu with MoU
IEEE Client Services: Happy to be a part of UPP
IEEE Client Services: Hurray!! we are a part of UPP now :-)
IEEE Client Services: Dr. T. Srinivas, IEEE Student Branch Faculty Advisor signing the MoU
IEEE Client Services: Mr. Arun Babu welcoming the gathering
IEEE Client Services: Dr. Venkadesn, the Librarian signing the MoU
IEEE Client Services: Mr. Sridhar, Branch Chair signing the MoU
IEEE Client Services: Mr. Sridhar, Branch Chair signing the MoU
IEEE Client Services: Dhanu Pattanashetti, IEEE UPP coordinator for India signing the MoU
IEEE Client Services: Welcome IISc to join IEEE UPP