idswart: Aunt Bobbie with June and Jane
idswart: Bobbie
idswart: Carolyn School Photos
idswart: Clyde Roach
idswart: George Carol and Harold Roach
idswart: George Harold and Carol Roach
idswart: Ira Elbert middle row white hair-beard holding little boy
idswart: Ira Elbert Roach
idswart: J. A (middle)brothers-in-law on L and R
idswart: JA Roach with potato picking crew
idswart: JA Roach
idswart: James Arthur and Lydia Roach 50th wed anniv - Lenton and Carol
idswart: James Arthur and Lydia Rust Roach
idswart: James Arthur Roach (R) and Edgar Rust (L)
idswart: James, Lenton and Inez
idswart: Josie Cook Rust at right
idswart: June and Jane in front of car
idswart: June and Jane
idswart: Lenton with coonhounds
idswart: Lenton with Lydia Rust Roach
idswart: Lydia Roach with chickens
idswart: Lydia Rust (L front) and brothers and sisters
idswart: Lydia Rust Roach and aunt Bobbie
idswart: Lydia Rust Roach in front of house by Chapel Hill
idswart: Lydia Rust Roach standing in front of garage-shed
idswart: Lydia Rust Roach with sisters-in-law
idswart: Margaret Chapman Roach
idswart: Nancy school photos
idswart: Nancy's Graduation
idswart: Otis (middle), Sandra (L),Gary (R)