idocmanthe: Eyes Cornea abrasion August 25 2007 006
idocmanthe: Eyes Cornea abrasion August 25 2007 004
idocmanthe: Eyes Cornea abrasion with contact before debridement August 25 2007 003
idocmanthe: Eyes Cornea abrasion before contact before debridement on August 25 2007 001
idocmanthe: Pterygium od Augut 17 2007 002
idocmanthe: Pterygium od Augut 17 2007 001
idocmanthe: Eyes R K post rk surgery July 18 2007 004
idocmanthe: Eyes R Kpost rk double cut scar July 18 2007 001
idocmanthe: April 24 -29 008
idocmanthe: ks Bacterial corneal uclerative infiltrate
idocmanthe: MM with high cholesterol type cataracts#3
idocmanthe: MM with high cholesterol type cataracts
idocmanthe: GC corneal transplant #4 red free light
idocmanthe: GC corneal transplant #3
idocmanthe: GC corneal transplant #2
idocmanthe: GC corneal transplant #1
idocmanthe: pigment on lens
idocmanthe: Contusion
idocmanthe: Conjunctival tear
idocmanthe: May 9 2006 006
idocmanthe: Cataract #3
idocmanthe: cataract #2
idocmanthe: Cataract #1
idocmanthe: Corneal epithelial basement membrane dystrophy
idocmanthe: psuedophake taken in blue lite clouded capsules
idocmanthe: Cortical cataracts 85 year old
idocmanthe: iris filament red free and white lite
idocmanthe: Clouded psuedophake capsules
idocmanthe: Capsulotomy with exposed capsule