adam: In the car, cruising.
adam: Shasta comes into view for the first time...
adam: Getting bigger!
adam: As soon as you turn onto I-505, it looks like Eastern Washington -- somewhat flat and very dry.
adam: Photo taken immediately after I turned the corner off Broadway, and said to myself, "I hope there's road down there... because I can't see it..."
adam: Amy outside the flat.
adam: Pier 39... tourist trap, but fun.
adam: Yay... advertisement spam via bluetooth!
adam: Looking out over the marina.
adam: See that island, that looks like a prison?
adam: Ooh... I'm now one of 9 million people who visit this bridge every year.
adam: Cheeseball tourist shot.
adam: There really isn't a field of wildflowers, just a small patch...
adam: Looking back at SF from the bridge.
adam: Asai and Brian on the Golden Gate Bridge
adam: Alcatraz from the Golden Gate
adam: Tourists (yes, I'm including myself)
adam: Looking aaaaallll the way up.
adam: The "credits" for the bridge.
adam: Plaque on the bridge pillar.
adam: Another portion of that plaque.
adam: That's a lot of rivets.
adam: Another photo in the series of "look at the places that my feet (and my Keens) have been."
adam: No caption necessary.
adam: Bridge lost inte fog behind a statue of Joseph Strauss.
adam: Story of the Golden Gate Bridge.
adam: Photograph of text from Darwin's Origin of the Species, Chapter 4: Natural Selection.
adam: Translucent fish at the California Academy of Science.
adam: Translucent fish at the California Academy of Science.
adam: Natural history summarized on a single (albeit huge) wall.