adam: Cotton
adam: Gates of the Shiloh National Cemetary
adam: Shiloh National Cemetary Interpretive Sign
adam: National Cemetary Plaque
adam: Shiloh National Cemetary
adam: Very Little Breeze
adam: Pittsburg Landing
adam: Pittsburg Landing
adam: Confederate Memorial Interpretive Sign
adam: Depicting the Human Waves
adam: Victory in Defeat
adam: Confederate Memorial
adam: Back of the Confederate Memorial
adam: Confederate Soliders in Bronze
adam: Gumballs
adam: Interpretive Sign
adam: Fence line along the sunken road
adam: Field near the Hornet's Nest
adam: Battlefield view from the sunken road
adam: The Sunken Road - No Driving
adam: Hornet's Nest Interpretive Sign
adam: View from the Hornet's Nest
adam: A monument for every regiment
adam: Ruggle's Batteries Interpretive Sign
adam: Down the Barrel
adam: Cannon
adam: Tenesseean
adam: Confederate Soliders in Bronze