Idle Dog Studio: IMGP8601
Idle Dog Studio: Falling asleep
Idle Dog Studio: IMGP8627
Idle Dog Studio: IMGP8633
Idle Dog Studio: IMGP8639
Idle Dog Studio: IMGP8646
Idle Dog Studio: HER BABIES
Idle Dog Studio: 她喜歡在我面前躺下...
Idle Dog Studio: He likes my camera, I guess.
Idle Dog Studio: I'm still a stranger to them...
Idle Dog Studio: 無辜臉
Idle Dog Studio: DSC01735
Idle Dog Studio: DSC01736
Idle Dog Studio: DSC01741
Idle Dog Studio: Mother and her puppies
Idle Dog Studio: 玩遊戲
Idle Dog Studio: 憤怒的小獠牙
Idle Dog Studio: DSC01781
Idle Dog Studio: 無辜臉
Idle Dog Studio: 媽媽在旁邊,就大膽的咬下去
Idle Dog Studio: 咬到脫線了
Idle Dog Studio: 蝸牛殼這麼好玩
Idle Dog Studio: 玩累了
Idle Dog Studio: 迷你豬狗狗
Idle Dog Studio: 小屁屁
Idle Dog Studio: 趴在自行車道上要小心喔
Idle Dog Studio: 這邊聞聞