Idle Dog Studio: 山上的小白狗
Idle Dog Studio: he's smiling
Idle Dog Studio: 小花、瓶
Idle Dog Studio: it's not a tomato
Idle Dog Studio: wet flowers
Idle Dog Studio: it's said that the flower is poisonous...
Idle Dog Studio: 雲海民宿的狗狗
Idle Dog Studio: 很喜歡跟著陌生人跑來跑去
Idle Dog Studio: 山頂的黑狗
Idle Dog Studio: DSC02369
Idle Dog Studio: 很漂亮,但是我不知道她的名字
Idle Dog Studio: what's your name?
Idle Dog Studio: 牠說牠也要拍照
Idle Dog Studio: neko neko
Idle Dog Studio: IMGP9632
Idle Dog Studio: IMGP9645
Idle Dog Studio: DSC02439
Idle Dog Studio: DSC02502
Idle Dog Studio: DSC02503
Idle Dog Studio: DSC00388
Idle Dog Studio: foggy valley
Idle Dog Studio: DSC00395