idemolab: Our workshop space
idemolab: Brainstorming ideas for interactive clothing
idemolab: Getting inspiration
idemolab: Giving life to the clothing
idemolab: Snow suit with a light up face, musical zippers, and responsive fur
idemolab: Girls work on the snow suit
idemolab: The children presented their designs
idemolab: Using IdemoBits to envision and test ideas
idemolab: IdemoBits on a bObles shoe
idemolab: Snow suit with a light up face, musical zippers, and responsive fur
idemolab: The purring hood - pet it and it purrs
idemolab: Light up necklaces
idemolab: Explaining his concept
idemolab: IdemoBits and magnets help to explain his idea
idemolab: Working with LEDs
idemolab: Our little info-stand
idemolab: Panel on designing for children in Denmark and abroad
idemolab: Panel on designing for children in Denmark and abroad