ideath: compost bowl, 7/4/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 7/1/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 6/30/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 6/24/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 6/24/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 6/9/2010
ideath: compost bowl and coffee, 6/7/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 5/29/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 5/ 19/ 2010
ideath: compost bowl, 5/7/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 5/6/2010
ideath: dusty chard, 3/26/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 3/23/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 2/26/2010
ideath: on weekends, we can cook with more abandon/ compost bowl 2/20/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 2/14/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 2/12/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 2/3/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 1/26/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 1/17/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 1/12/2010
ideath: compost bowl, 12/20/2009
ideath: compost bowl, 12/8/2009
ideath: compost bowl and peanuts, 12/8/2009
ideath: compost bowl, 12/7/2009
ideath: kale and compost, 12/7/2009
ideath: the raw and the cooked (compost bowl, 11/28)
ideath: compost bowl, 11/26/2009
ideath: compostbowl, 11/15/2009
ideath: compost bowl, 11/14/2009