Kate Raynes-Goldie: a puzzle clue!
Kate Raynes-Goldie: WA Minister of Industry Francis Logan...
Kate Raynes-Goldie: hunting for clues
Kate Raynes-Goldie: Ghost Town Booth
Kate Raynes-Goldie: crowding round the puzzle
Kate Raynes-Goldie: Maxine and Nick playing Ghost Town
Kate Raynes-Goldie: in bloom, stirling park
Kate Raynes-Goldie: christmas in the summer
Kate Raynes-Goldie: in bloom, stirling park
Kate Raynes-Goldie: falling towers
Kate Raynes-Goldie: shafto lane
Kate Raynes-Goldie: king street
Kate Raynes-Goldie: STOP COCK, GALVIN!
Kate Raynes-Goldie: melting palms
Kate Raynes-Goldie: laneway near king street
Kate Raynes-Goldie: Perth CBD from King's Park