Idahoeyes: Once she got the den the way she wanted it, she went to retrieve the other two cubs she had stuffed in the culvert.
Idahoeyes: Always on the watch, but seems to have accepted my presence.
Idahoeyes: Badger feet are made for digging.
Idahoeyes: Might have a tick in her ear.
Idahoeyes: Trying to get a whiff of me, maybe.
Idahoeyes: A little worse for wear, I think. Wonder how old she is?
Idahoeyes: A look up into the hills around me once again. These badger photos were actually taken in the spring of 2011.
Idahoeyes: She has become beautiful to me.
Idahoeyes: Dirty work, this digging.
Idahoeyes: Badger covered in dirt as she digs a den.
Idahoeyes: Mum is bigger, darker and dirtier. Closeups also indicate she's a bit beat up. Life's hard as a badger, I think.
Idahoeyes: Mum.
Idahoeyes: Watching Mum move dirt.
Idahoeyes: The little one.
Idahoeyes: Baby badger pops up again. I imagine the hole just isn't quite comfortable yet.
Idahoeyes: I have walked around the den, a step at a time. She looks to see where I'm at and keeps digging.
Idahoeyes: Still digging and pushing dirt back behind her.
Idahoeyes: Dirt in her eye.
Idahoeyes: A look up in the surrounding hills; springtime in Idaho. I live in a beautiful place.
Idahoeyes: The claws are impressive.
Idahoeyes: She puts the cub back in the hole. Ready to dig with a dirt cap on her head.
Idahoeyes: Mom and one badger cub.
Idahoeyes: Out pops one of her badger cubs! I was so shocked, I couldn't hold the camera still.
Idahoeyes: Adult female badger digging burrow.