Idahoeyes: Pussy Willows beginning to peek out.
Idahoeyes: Pussy willows still growing in creek bottom at old homestead site.
Idahoeyes: Pussy willows.
Idahoeyes: What is this? A tight cluster of something growing on rose hip bush. My guess is it's a insect nest of some sort.
Idahoeyes: Red Willow? But, not supposed to be here in Idaho. Will have to look at it again when it puts out buds, leaves or something. There are 400 different species and they are cross-fertile and put out many hybrids.
Idahoeyes: June for my 2013 calendar. Bee on flower at MK Nature Center in Boise, Idaho.
Idahoeyes: Lichen.
Idahoeyes: Domestic rose.
Idahoeyes: White rose.
Idahoeyes: Sunflowers.
Idahoeyes: Wild rose.
Idahoeyes: Parachute seeds.
Idahoeyes: Winter sagebrush.
Idahoeyes: Butterfly and wasp. Pine White butterfly found in western USA and in southern British Columbia.
Idahoeyes: Butterflies (Tawny Emperor? Or, Edwards Fritillary?) on purple daisies.
Idahoeyes: Dragonfly. Skimmer. On dried out Butterfly Bush.
Idahoeyes: White-lined Sphinx Moth. Hummingbird moth (hawkmoth or Sphingidae).
Idahoeyes: Dragonfly. Skimmer. Four-Spotted Skimmer ? Ruddy Marsh Skimmer ?
Idahoeyes: Dragonfly on dried-up Butterfly Bush. Skimmer.
Idahoeyes: Blue Flax was discovered by Meriwether Lewis on the Lewis and Clark Expedition in the late 1700's.
Idahoeyes: Flying bee at the MK Nature Center in Boise, Idaho.
Idahoeyes: Bee on Englemann's daisy at the MK Nature Center Boise, Idaho.
Idahoeyes: Engelmann's Daisy. Farmers and Ranchers sometimes refer to it as "ice cream" because it is a preference of livestock. Named after Dr. George Engelmann (1809-1884), a German-born botanist and physician of St. Louis. This plant is native to North America.
Idahoeyes: Engelmann's Daisy. Farmers and Ranchers sometimes refer to it as "ice cream" because it is a preference of livestock. Named after Dr. George Engelmann (1809-1884), a German-born botanist and physician of St. Louis. This plant is native to North America.
Idahoeyes: Seed heads of Western Salisfy. Goatsbeard. Puffball. Seed parachutes. In the sunflower family.
Idahoeyes: Sunflower.
Idahoeyes: Moon rising.
Idahoeyes: November grasshopper hanging in there at sunset.
Idahoeyes: Fluffy cat on a post.
Idahoeyes: Winter feeding.