Idahoeyes: September for my 2013 calendar. Great Horned Owl.
Idahoeyes: Great Horned Owl in the canyon at old homestead site.
Idahoeyes: Great horned owl watching my daughter's cat.
Idahoeyes: Perfectly camouflaged. Great Horned owl.
Idahoeyes: Great Horned Owl.
Idahoeyes: Peek-a-Boo owl.
Idahoeyes: Owl. I see you.
Idahoeyes: Great horned owl.
Idahoeyes: Great horned owl. Wind is blowing its ears down.
Idahoeyes: Great horned owl. See its tail?
Idahoeyes: Are you lookin' at me? Great horned owl.
Idahoeyes: You can't see me. Great horned owl.
Idahoeyes: Hit this little screech owl with car. Took it to Vet; he said it had a concussion, and when it was better, we took it back & released it where we found it. It flew to its tree.