ICT4D.at: Zambulance
ICT4D.at: Stands
ICT4D.at: Stands
ICT4D.at: Producing soap
ICT4D.at: Shae butter
ICT4D.at: Product from plastic
ICT4D.at: Nii Simmonds giving an interview
ICT4D.at: Fab Lab lasercutter
ICT4D.at: Heat producing paste
ICT4D.at: Guinness
ICT4D.at: Furtniture from plastic bottles
ICT4D.at: Fridge
ICT4D.at: Food dryer
ICT4D.at: Fab Lab
ICT4D.at: Mobile phone charger
ICT4D.at: Multipurpose pedal driven machine
ICT4D.at: Art from crap
ICT4D.at: Brown barbies
ICT4D.at: Groundnut bushes
ICT4D.at: Emer and energetic Ghanaian lady
ICT4D.at: Pat and Dennis Talking
ICT4D.at: Sitting on plastic bag furniture
ICT4D.at: Smaller room
ICT4D.at: Prize