ICRISAT Images: T. Sujatha with K. Ganga, Chikantapura Village, Bellary, Karnataka, India
ICRISAT Images: Rudramma, pigeonpea farmer, Chikantapura Village, Bellary, Karnataka, India
ICRISAT Images: Water-retaining structures lay the foundation for prosperity in the drylands of Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Cattle manure and crop refuse gets added to vermicomposting
ICRISAT Images: Rudramma's husband, Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Nagabhushana pours water into the cement structure for housing earthworms
ICRISAT Images: Earthworms, the key component of vermicomposting
ICRISAT Images: Water helps create valuable manure using earthworms
ICRISAT Images: Rudramma and Shivappa preparing the field, Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Rudramma mixing zinc and gypsum, Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Chickpea seeds being prepared for planting
ICRISAT Images: Rudramma's son Shivappa sprinkles micronutrients before planting
ICRISAT Images: Rudramma and her husband in their field
ICRISAT Images: Chilies spread to dry, Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Harvesting chilies, Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Chili harvesting, Bellary
ICRISAT Images: Thimayya prepares the soil for planting
ICRISAT Images: Mallikarjuna and other farmers measure a 5'x5' plot
ICRISAT Images: Measuring the plot
ICRISAT Images: Thimayya prepares the soil for planting
ICRISAT Images: Thimayya preparing the soil for planting
ICRISAT Images: Careful measuring of demo plots to help farmers compare benefit from new technologies
ICRISAT Images: Measuring the harvest to compare yields
ICRISAT Images: Mallikarjuna with his harvest
ICRISAT Images: Working on the demo plots planted with improved varieties