ICRISAT Images: The harvest being offloaded at the farmer's house.
ICRISAT Images: A standard combine harvester was used on farmer B Rameswar Reddy's farm.
ICRISAT Images: At the farmer's home.
ICRISAT Images: Dr Y Padmalatha, Associate Director of Research (ic), RARS Nandyal, with her team of scientists and ICRISAT staff.
ICRISAT Images: Farmer B Rameswar Reddy (right) with his father (center).
ICRISAT Images: Farmer Rameswar Reddy discusses the yield of NBeG 47 with Dr PM Gaur, Principal Scientist (Chickpea Breeding) &. Assistant Research Program Director – Grain Legumes. ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: ICRISAT scientists DR PM Gaur and S Samineni monitor demo plots at RARS, Nandyal. Dr V Jayalakshmi, who develeoped machine-harvestable chickpea cultivar NBeG 47 is seen.
ICRISAT Images: In the drylands of Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, India, chickpea farming is fast expanding.
ICRISAT Images: Machine harvesting is highly efficient and saves on time and cost.
ICRISAT Images: Machine harvesting of NBeG 47 on farmer B Rameswar Reddy's father's farm
ICRISAT Images: RAR scientists and farmer Rameswar Reddy along with local leaders, farmers from neighboring villages and the media.
ICRISAT Images: Scientists from RARS Nandyal and ICRISAT evaluate the harvested chickpea
ICRISAT Images: The chickpea harvest is offloaded from the machine into tractors.