ICRISAT Images: Marklet connections are important to extricate the vulnerable dryland farmer out of poverty. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Producing surpluses that can be sold in markets in times of hunger is crucial. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: A good groundnut harvest means food security, good income and a happy farmer. Photo: L. Vidyasagar, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Good chickpea harvest in East Africa means better market value. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: An Indian farmer with a bountiful pigeonpea harvest
ICRISAT Images: Chickpea is grown as a source of much needed income, as well as for its ability to add nitrogen to the soil. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: A local farmer with his pearl millet harvest
ICRISAT Images: A family that participated in on-farm trials at Vitonga village, Mvomero district.
ICRISAT Images: A woman farmer takes home her pearl millet bundle of food security.
ICRISAT Images: Ms Nancy Njogu showing off her chickpea seed production plot
ICRISAT Images: Bounty chickpea harvests from improved seeds in Ethiopia. Getting climate adapted and high yielding seeds to farmers can help increase their harvests and incomes. Photo: Alina Paul-Bossuet/ ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Phoebe John, pigeonpea farmer, Nalifu village, Mulanje District, Malawi. Photo: Swathi Sridharan, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: By focusing on early maturity and high yield, researchers are helping transform chickpea into an internationally traded commodity and source of income for rural communities. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Rich in protein and edible oil, groundnut is central to the financial and nutritional well-being of millions of farmers across the semi-arid tropics. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Priscilla Mutie from Muuni village in Eastern Kenya shells pigeonpea to get a better price at the market. Photo Swathi Sridharan, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Anil Kumar Sharma in his pigeonpea farm in Padasoli village, Rajasthan, India. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: A woman harvesting pigeonpea crop in her farm in Padasoli village of Rajasthan India. Photos: Sreeram Banda, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: An Indian farmer checks the quality of his chickpea produce. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: A good chickpea crop translates into food and economic security for this smallholder farmer. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Handsome Chipeta, ICRISAT Technician, describes the benefits of ICEAP-000557, the first medium-duration pigeonpea variety released in Malawi. Photo: Swathi Sridharan, ICRISAT