ICRISAT Images: Pearl millet is a nutritious source of food for millions in marginal agricultural areas. Indian women in Gujarat making pearl millet chapatis (flat bread). Photo- Joanna Kane-Potaka, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Nutritious millet couscous with roasted carrots. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Millet porridge enriched with vitamin C-rich tamarind. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Communal cookery session in Serakele. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: This 5- Grain nutritious soup is made of sorghum, pearl millet, pigeonpea, chickpea and groundnut. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Groundnut: Rich in protein, edible oil, essential nutrients and antioxidants. Photo: L Vidyasagar, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Prem Devi of Padasoli Village, Rajasthan, India grows pigeonpea and cooks it daily into high-protein dal and uses the stalks as firewood. Photo: A Paul-Bossuet/ ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Pearl millet is a nutritious source of food for millions in marginal agricultural areas. Indian women in Gujarat making pearl millet chapatis (flat bread). Photo- Joanna Kane-Potaka, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Groundnut provides over 30 essential nutrients and is an excellent source of niacin, fiber and vitamin E. Photo : ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Finger millet is a healthy and nutritious food and is a good income earner for poor households. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Nkazimulo Ngwenya, Scientific Officer at ICRISAT-Bulawayo,checks the pearl millet seed crop at Matopos Research Station. Swathi Sridharan, ICRISAT