ICRISAT Images: Pigeonpea pods
ICRISAT Images: Handsome Chipeta, ICRISAT Technician, describes the benefits of ICEAP-000557, the first medium-duration pigeonpea variety released in Malawi. Photo: Swathi Sridharan, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Good chickpea harvest in East Africa means better market value. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Close-up of a pigeonpea flower
ICRISAT Images: A chickpea flower
ICRISAT Images: Securing incomes for women. A women farmers harvests chickpea in Ethiopia. Photo: Swathi Sridharan, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Sustainable production of improved, eco-friendly varieties of pigeonpea has brought a new source of food, fuel and income to poor women in the Indian village of Padasoli, near Jaipur, Rajasthan.
ICRISAT Images: Protein-rich chickpea pods
ICRISAT Images: An Indian farmer with a bountiful pigeonpea harvest
ICRISAT Images: ICRISAT scientist Dr PM Gaur examining heat-tolerant chickpea plants at ICRISAT headquarters
ICRISAT Images: A trainee examining a chickpea plant
ICRISAT Images: A bountiful chickpea harvest: A boon to farmers
ICRISAT Images: A farmer examines the pigeonpea for sale in the market
ICRISAT Images: A farmer handpicking pigeonpea pods
ICRISAT Images: Pigeonpea dal, a source of protein for the poor
ICRISAT Images: A young farmer-in-the-making checks out pigeonpea pods
ICRISAT Images: Pigeonpea pods
ICRISAT Images: Women farmer with a bundle of chickpea harvest. Photo: PS Rao, ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Chickpea is grown as a source of much needed income, as well as for its ability to add nitrogen to the soil. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Dr A J Hingane of ICRISAT (left) explains the intricacies of pigeonpea crossing to a participant of the training program held in Nairobi, Kenya
ICRISAT Images: Women participate in selecting pigeonpea varieties
ICRISAT Images: Robert Amayo from the National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI), Uganda making crosses in pigeonpea
ICRISAT Images: Ripening pods promise food security and prosperity for this dryland farmer in Kenya.
ICRISAT Images: Farmers at a chickpea farm of the university during the field day.
ICRISAT Images: By focusing on early maturity and high yield, researchers are helping transform chickpea into an internationally traded commodity and source of income for rural communities. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Anil Kumar Sharma in his pigeonpea farm in Padasoli village, Rajasthan, India. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Women farmers in pigeonpea fields. Tanzania's improved maize-legume mixed systems . Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Women inspect pigeonpea at flowering time in East Africa. Photo: ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Pigeonpea seeds contain high levels of protein and amino acids
ICRISAT Images: This 5- Grain nutritious soup is made of sorghum, pearl millet, pigeonpea, chickpea and groundnut. Photo: ICRISAT