ICRISAT Images: Njati agribusiness group Ntchenachena Rumphi
ICRISAT Images: Alifosina Lirambwe 24 Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Song showing how to prevent aflatoxin. Dont get nuts wet after harvesting
ICRISAT Images: Women dancing with crunchy peanut butter Njati products
ICRISAT Images: Njati women show their processed products
ICRISAT Images: Harvested and graded groundnuts at NASFAM warehouse Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Edwin 29
ICRISAT Images: Doris Wiseman 26 Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Aness Allan 23 Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Alifosina Lirambwe 24 Mchinji dancing
ICRISAT Images: Rose is HIV affected and the Njati group is vital for income
ICRISAT Images: Rose dances with sample of groundnut powder Njati group Ntchenachena
ICRISAT Images: Wills Training on aflatoxin management
ICRISAT Images: Njati womens group Ntchenachena
ICRISAT Images: Gods love traders Mchinji good price peanuts
ICRISAT Images: Alifosina sings aflatoxin prevention song in Mchinji, Malawi. Photo: Photo: Alina Paul-Bossuet/ ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Felix ICRISAT improving seed access for smallholder farmers
ICRISAT Images: Alifosina and the women young farmers Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Aflatoxin affected groundnuts
ICRISAT Images: John's wife with pigeonpea harvest outside their first house Chambogho village Karonga
ICRISAT Images: John one of the many young farmers ready to revolutionize rural Malawi. He along with his wife explains pigeonpea success. Photo: Alina Paul/ ICRISAT
ICRISAT Images: Malawi's young farmers sing out loud
ICRISAT Images: Shatikani Jere 34 Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Mayilosi Djobu 40 Mchinji
ICRISAT Images: Chancy 35 Karonga
ICRISAT Images: Njati want to mechanise processing
ICRISAT Images: Juliette Harawa, a young women farmer wants to lead expansion activities Njati womens group. Photo: Alina Paul-Bossuet/ ICRISAT