icrisat.images: CGIAR Fund Council Chair Rachel Kyte admiring sorghum diversity during her visit to ICRISAT-Patancheru. (Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: Ms Rachel Kyte addressing ICRISAT management and staff. Also seen are Director General William Dar and Deputy Director General for Research Dave Hoisington. (Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: Ms Kyte and her team meet with ICRISAT's management members.(Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: Visitng the Center of Excellence in Genomics (CEG).(Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: Ms Kyte and her team at the RS Paroda Genebank. (Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: With scientists in the watershed improvement program area.(Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: Ms Kyte interacting with a scientist at ICRISAT's Platform for Translational Research on Transgenic Crops (PTTC).(Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: The Fund Council Chair plants a tree on the ICRISAT campus. (Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: The visiting team interacts with scientists at the lysimetric facility. (Photo credit: ICRISAT)
icrisat.images: Ms Kyte with ICRISAT's Director General William Dar at the groundnut demonstration plot. (Photo credit: ICRISAT)