ICKY T: waldos lost
ICKY T: Eastern Bluebird2
ICKY T: Eastern Bluebird
ICKY T: american gold finch2
ICKY T: american gold finch
ICKY T: Mockingbird
ICKY T: Red bellied woodpecker
ICKY T: song sparrow
ICKY T: I thought the bag said birdfood
ICKY T: chipmunk
ICKY T: Never a can opener around when you need one (Turtle saga picture #1 of 4)
ICKY T: no respect for the Queen
ICKY T: You don't sneak up on turkeys
ICKY T: Unwanted visitor in the Queendom
ICKY T: froggy
ICKY T: frog eye
ICKY T: Swimming muskrat
ICKY T: I pray he'll put out more brazil nuts
ICKY T: visitor
ICKY T: cross my heart I wasn't eatting no bird food----It was the chipmunk!
ICKY T: red squirrel
ICKY T: hawkeye
ICKY T: Brown creeper(certhia americana)
ICKY T: Dinner is served!
ICKY T: Turkey Trot
ICKY T: Pretty in flight
ICKY T: They make it look so easy
ICKY T: See Ya!
ICKY T: red tail