icki: Walter Reed Hearings
icki: Walter Reed Hearings
icki: The Stenographer (and the Photographers)
icki: The Stenographer
icki: The Stenographer
icki: The Stenographer
icki: Waiting for the Fun
icki: Senate Radio/TV Gallery
icki: The Handshake
icki: The Photographers
icki: The Water and the CSPAN Cameras
icki: Stenographer
icki: Stenographer
icki: The Microphones
icki: The Voice Recorders
icki: Diane Feinstein
icki: The Chair
icki: The Water Pitcher
icki: White Balance Test
icki: The Stenographer (and Senator Cornyn)
icki: Take Your Places
icki: Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Legislation Announcement
icki: The Stenographer
icki: CNN (I'm Your Television)