icki: Presser
icki: Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Swearing in of 110th Congress
icki: Harry Reid
icki: Barack Obama
icki: Russ Feingold
icki: Barack Obama
icki: Barack Obama
icki: The Photographers
icki: The Handshake
icki: Lee Hamilton
icki: Senate Committee Holds Hearing on 9/11 Commission Recommendations
icki: Gen. Wesley Clark
icki: Statement Against Anticipated Troop Increase in Iraq
icki: Jon Soltz, Kosovo & Iraq War Vet
icki: Statement Against Anticipated Troop Increase in Iraq
icki: Condi w/the Boys from Foreign Relations
icki: Protester at Senate Foreign Relations