Wennie Guo: 【不能說的秘密】沒有自由的悲歌,裡外都看不清。
吳小分: 51000029
dorishiu0111: 58290013
Wennie Guo: 頭城老街
Dierk.: making of: Sinar 4x5" with Rhinocam adapter and Sony NEX-6
Dierk.: NEX-6 with Rhinocam on Gandolfi 4x5
FotodioxPro: Hasselblad V to Nikon RhinoCam
dorishiu0111: 000024710026
dorishiu0111: 000024710036
dorishiu0111: 000038290008
dorishiu0111: 000038290006
JOSMAN PHOTOGRAPHY: Latest collection shot with Hasselblad 501cm / Fuji 400 film. All shot in natural light with no assistance.
chenweizong(捷運工人): 2015/05/16 高雄湖內_蕃茄會社1
chenweizong(捷運工人): 2015/05/09 高雄港印象_2
southbaypoyi: 神仙谷_黑與白_1678
Crusade.: Willis Ho.
Crusade.: Willis Ho.
dorishiu0111: 000016910012
dorishiu0111: 000016910014
Gill wu: 20150410古拉爵
EthanJTWang: Life 生活不就是左左右右上上下下
EthanJTWang: 願者自來
dorishiu0111: 90240006
dorishiu0111: 90240011
dorishiu0111: R1141938
dorishiu0111: 11070181_10206755618192412_8314233014651610520_o