icequeen057: Dayz? I'm confused.
icequeen057: Drive-by Graffiti
icequeen057: And the buildings were nestled all snug in their....
icequeen057: Driving
icequeen057: How very industrial
icequeen057: They provide the magic get-out-of-jail carpets....
icequeen057: Reminded me of Stiles Street...
icequeen057: Someone's random yard
icequeen057: Um... ouch.
icequeen057: Resilient Foliage
icequeen057: Peering down a Brooklyn street
icequeen057: How many cranes does it take to hold up the sky?
icequeen057: Random Warehouse
icequeen057: Driving on an overpass
icequeen057: This image is brought to you by the letter 'F'
icequeen057: From the sky, it looks like a pill
icequeen057: Driving in L.A.
icequeen057: Freeway
icequeen057: W Hotel Room
icequeen057: Reminded me of Barton Fink....
icequeen057: Yup... same thing sideways....
icequeen057: Mountains are a little frightening to a girl from Florida ;)
icequeen057: On our way to Scott's house
icequeen057: That's a long way up
icequeen057: This is what happens when you give a raver E and a lawnmower....
icequeen057: Leaving Scott's neighborhood....
icequeen057: Windmill!
icequeen057: Freeway-side mountains
icequeen057: Um... random mound of roadside dirt?
icequeen057: The desert even! How cool is that?!