icequeen057: talya's frame
icequeen057: mike's frame
icequeen057: Tiles tiles tiles
icequeen057: oooh pretty marble in low res... YES!
icequeen057: I have a feeling this is going to look really cool!
icequeen057: amy's jewelry box
icequeen057: Curio detail
icequeen057: bottom curio detail
icequeen057: curio with sealant
icequeen057: carol's tray
icequeen057: curio with grout
icequeen057: carol's game box
icequeen057: carol's tray
icequeen057: completed box
icequeen057: stones in mastic
icequeen057: tile layout for back of window pane
icequeen057: jewelry box with grout
icequeen057: jewelry box with grout
icequeen057: jewelry box before grout
icequeen057: jewelry box before grout
icequeen057: tray tiles in grout
icequeen057: trays with grout
icequeen057: tray and game box
icequeen057: tray layout