rugbybarb: Nana
rugbybarb: Girls in DC
rugbybarb: Philip in DC
rugbybarb: Family
rugbybarb: Cookout at Asnus'
rugbybarb: Me 'n' Zee
rugbybarb: Chipmunk snack in Yellowstone NP
rugbybarb: 2005 Theodore Roosevelt NP
rugbybarb: View into Roosevelt NP
rugbybarb: View into Glacier NP
rugbybarb: Ice people (not on the ice)
rugbybarb: Chipmunk in Yellowstone NP
rugbybarb: Boiling
rugbybarb: Hot springs
rugbybarb: Firehole Canyon in Yellowstone
rugbybarb: Another view
rugbybarb: The view
rugbybarb: 2005 Yellowstone
rugbybarb: More green
rugbybarb: Green
rugbybarb: Beartooth Pass
rugbybarb: Black bear, Yellowstone NP
rugbybarb: Feet
rugbybarb: Tetons NP