ice weasel: More Frog
ice weasel: I Don't Think I've Ever Actually Seen a Frog on a Lilly Pad Before...
ice weasel: Frog... Resisting Water Currents
ice weasel: Damselfly
ice weasel: Monarch
ice weasel: Monarch
ice weasel: There's Nothing Here to Give You a Sense of Scale, But This One Was Particularly Tiny
ice weasel: Big Mother
ice weasel: Lichens on a Bench
ice weasel: Parallel Frogs
ice weasel: A Monarch Butterfly
ice weasel: A Cat through the Window (inside the Audubon Office)
ice weasel: More Cat
ice weasel: Reservation Headquarters
ice weasel: Red Squirrel under Birdfeeder
ice weasel: Bunny
ice weasel: Thistle in Bloom
ice weasel: A Sheep at the Audubon