steve gerecke: Mah Jongg tile game bone and bamboo
steve gerecke: Mah Jongg tile game bone and bamboo
steve gerecke: Mah Jongg tile game bone and bamboo
steve gerecke: Mah Jongg tile game bone and bamboo
steve gerecke: Vintage cast iron toy stove
steve gerecke: Mada in Canada!
steve gerecke: Mohawk Bird
steve gerecke: texture form movement and WB study
steve gerecke: tecture form movement proportion and WB study
steve gerecke: white reflective fine texture and exposure study
steve gerecke: white reflective fine texture and exposure study
steve gerecke: vintage copper brass tea pot study
steve gerecke: vintage copper brass tea pot study
steve gerecke: vintage victorian hand fab study
steve gerecke: vintage depresion glass - glass exposure testing