[.i.c.e.]: VMworld 2005
[.i.c.e.]: Rainy Morning @ YVR
[.i.c.e.]: Landing in Vegas
[.i.c.e.]: Can we get an aquarium like this at our new house?
[.i.c.e.]: Blues Brothers at the VMworld partner reception.
[.i.c.e.]: Who needs a TV in the can?
[.i.c.e.]: LVS engineers receiving programming
[.i.c.e.]: Fun with toys at the VMworld party
[.i.c.e.]: Enjoying a refreshment at the Bellagio before 'O'
[.i.c.e.]: View of 'the strip' from THEmix
[.i.c.e.]: View from THEmix