icarusjj: 20130627_DSC02983-2k
icarusjj: 20130627_DSC02985
icarusjj: 20130627_DSC02987_2k
icarusjj: 20131127 trees standing and down
icarusjj: 20131127 metal shed in woods
icarusjj: 20131127 hay rack and ladder in the woods
icarusjj: 20131127 this oven has seen better days
icarusjj: 20131127 birds over the barn
icarusjj: 20131127 Donald's Persian kitty Precious
icarusjj: 20131127 Donald's Persian kitty Precious
icarusjj: 20131127 cockleburr and feathers stuck to Victoria after her walk in the woods
icarusjj: Donald's Karkour
icarusjj: Donald's Karkour
icarusjj: 20131129 Donald's Precious - Why did you put that there
icarusjj: 20131129 Donald's Precious on my lap with Victoria's hand
icarusjj: 20131129 Two of Marshall's cats, he said they don't like each other and are never together
icarusjj: 20131129 Marshall's cats looking for the red laser dot
icarusjj: 20131129 Marshall's Casper
icarusjj: 20131127 Flock of birds at Donalds farm, Thanksgiving 2013
icarusjj: DSC_3602-550