ICA Boston: Shepard Fairey @ the Tannery
ICA Boston: Andre the Giant has a Posse
ICA Boston: Stencils
ICA Boston: Spencer Stenciling
ICA Boston: Spencer
ICA Boston: Nicholas Stenciling
ICA Boston: Coffee, Spray Cans & Stickers
ICA Boston: Obama Hope
ICA Boston: Obama Hope
ICA Boston: Obama Hope
ICA Boston: Tim and Obama
ICA Boston: Shepard arranging the artifacts
ICA Boston: Shepard and Dan
ICA Boston: Rise Above Shepard
ICA Boston: Checking the murals
ICA Boston: wheatpasting ICA gallery
ICA Boston: shepard at work
ICA Boston: ICA crew working on mural
ICA Boston: street work montage
ICA Boston: "Prepping" the mural
ICA Boston: Shepard signing the ICA special edition print
ICA Boston: Shepard in action, bombing the ICA
ICA Boston: Shepard in action, bombing the ICA
ICA Boston: ICA mural
ICA Boston: Registrars at work
ICA Boston: Obama
ICA Boston: Obama Rubylith
ICA Boston: Nicholas, ICA chief curator, and Pedro, exhibiton curator
ICA Boston: Install crew at work