ibvallejo: tour sign
ibvallejo: 899 Vegetable garden on the left
ibvallejo: 901 view of backyard
ibvallejo: 837 greeters 38 daniels
ibvallejo: 860 decorations
ibvallejo: 875 Love is in the air
ibvallejo: 65 Pond
ibvallejo: 883 backyard
ibvallejo: 861 enjoying the entertainment
ibvallejo: 827 side of cottage
ibvallejo: 882 greeter
ibvallejo: 872 rock garden
ibvallejo: 823 Really old fig tree
ibvallejo: 817 Old trees in backyard
ibvallejo: 807 area for contemplation
ibvallejo: 856 entrance to house
ibvallejo: 843 Roses next to driveway
ibvallejo: 803 Visitors enjoying the food
ibvallejo: 801 serenity
ibvallejo: 897 Owner by fig tree
ibvallejo: 839 Living room 38 daniels
ibvallejo: 824 cottage on property
ibvallejo: 819 visitors enjoying shade on hot day
ibvallejo: 808 Owner 3 Loma Vista
ibvallejo: 802 entertainment
ibvallejo: 858-walking into garden
ibvallejo: 806 checking out the competition
ibvallejo: 309 florida
ibvallejo: 852 Owner by fountain
ibvallejo: 821 Owners (on left) enjoying day with a friend